Wednesday, March 28, 2012

It's HERE!!!

....well, 1 out of the 7 or 8 products I'm expecting are here :DDD

My first ever purchase from Sasa(dot)com!!!
It was free shipping time for over USD29 and as a region 1 country (Thank GOD), I can choose expedited shipping!!

I think it takes 2 days to get processed and packed.
I get an e-mail for its dispatch, and then wowza, it arrived in Brunei in 3 days.


D: and The Sample Store's sample package (shipped before this box) is not here yet. WHAT GIVES???

Maybe I just got lucky but I got excited as well.
Hurrah hurrah, my second package has been dispatched TODAY.


Anyway, I had my dad get it for me from the post office.
It had to be expected by customs.
Luckily, no need to pay tax.

But my package was cut ( ;w; )


The Styrofoam inside :DD it's in the shape of '3'!!

Separated, interesting!!

The masks, rose water, hair mask and whitening toner.

SkinFood's Honey Red Orange Mask

Eyes & T-zone treatment.
I used three of the 7 products today :)

The SkinFood mask, the treatment pads and the hair mask.

I didn't get to enjoy the hair mask for too long since it was late but I love the Honey Red Orange Mask and the Lemon Treatment thing :)

I'll post extra pics tomorrow but for now, I'm so tired.
I got sick ): it's the weather probably.

I can't get over how cute the SkinFood mask is!! And the Lemon treatment pads. UGGHHH SO CUTE.
I accidentally ordered the same thing on my second order but now, I don't think I regret it ;3

Everything happens for a reason XDD

okay, sleep.
I hope my packages arrive soon again ;3



Sunday, March 25, 2012

Unfit For Life

Unfit for a lot of things.

It's been 5 days since I turned 21.

It wasn't anything special.
In fact, I was unhappy on my special day.

Very unhappy.

We went to an expensive restaurant.
But still, I wasn't happy.

I had my requested cake.
Still, I wasn't happy.

Best cake I had in a while (last year was wonderful too)

Work is fine but I don't like it either.
Not the work itself, more to the things surrounding it.

The Body Shop finally reached out to me about my allergy (after lots of complaints of course) and I got my replacement products.
They were all things I'm excited for.

Look at these, all things I love (soap, soap, soap)
Still, I can never be happy.

I bought several things online.
It doesn't help.

Retail therapy doesn't make me happy anymore either.
I don't want to live.

It's useless.

It's true, if you can't love yourself, how can others love you?

I don't love myself.

I don't.
I hate myself.

I can never see myself living normally.
I try, but I can't seem to.

I tell myself I'm normal, I'll be fine.
But it's all a stupid lie.

Taken today, first time outside with contacts, also a painful experience.
I got sick today, missed work.

And tomorrow I applied for an absent day.
For a video shoot.

But now I feel torn.
I feel worthless.


I feel worthless.

Unfit for life.

God, please, give me guidance.
Why am I on this Earth?

What's the purpose You have decided for me?

I can't just be trash.
Or am I?

.......even doing this is not therapeutic anymore.


Sunday, March 18, 2012


After procrastinating for nearly a month, it's finally in.

No, not that.

My blue contact lenses.

WOOOO!! Achieved something last minute before turning 21!!
It was hard, I don't know anything about lenses, my siblings weren't really teaching anything!
So I told myself today, to show that I'm not pathetic and I can do something once I forced myself to, I can.

It was a do or die situation.
I can't keep procrastinating anymore.

I need to do something. For myself.

And for my friend's video shoot.

And to prove to HIM that I can do it.

Not like he's gonna know.



Anyway, I saw that my Sample Store package was sent (I think)

Can't wait for it.

I believe Sasa would start to pack my things tomorrow.

( '3' ) oh and, I used SkinFood's Acorn Jelly Mask, I think it works better than the other masks.

Next time I'll get that.
Next time.

So yeah, two days until my birthday :D

'til then!


Made My First Purchase!!!


D: all the time during checkout, my heartbeat was so strong!!!

I was afraid of making mistakes and stuff but I sure hope I didn't!!

Anyway, I ordered 7 items.
Initially, it was 6, but then because I checked out too late, the item I wanted the most (the reason why I was shopping there in the first place) WAS OUT OF STOCK!

It was in stock just yesterday.

2 out of the 6 items, were out of stock, so I had to replace and add an item to get free shipping.
Yes, free shipping.

It's a White Day promotion until the 19th?

Got expedited shipping :DDD

Total of the purchase was USD26 (it was exactly USD25 before that thing was sold out), which is around BND32 something, according to Sasa and XE?


Paypal charged me BND33.57.

Maybe I should've paid with the cash card instead. Phooey.
That also includes my Sample Store purchase D:

It makes me think twice about using Paypal.
It's convenient yes, but it makes you lose money too lol.

I may have been charged for tax...which I shouldn't be, for the online stores, according to my brother.

He's an online shopping expert, so yeah.

Here's to hoping my items arrive safely D:
None lost, none broken.


I don't want bad experience ):

AND I sure hope the post office in Brunei is more reliable this time around.
D: seriously!

Please don't handle my things in a rough way, there's glass in it!

Um, honestly, most of the things I tried were cheap :)
One of them had discount (it's SO fudging expensive here!) and the rest were under BND10!!!

( 'w' ) I wish I had made a purchase yesterday....I would have gotten the Acorn Jelly Mask.

Provided I enjoyed this purchase.

I ordered two mask sheets, one t-zone mask, one SkinFood mask, a hair mask, a whitening toning lotion and a rose water spritz.

Of some sorts.

I hope the orders I did were all international.

D: ack.

Now I'm paranoid.

Anyway, I got this cute box from my sister for my birthday :D

Ain't it cute??
 It's empty.
She just gave me the box.
Which I requested lol.

I need to put some things in here :)


'til then!


Friday, March 16, 2012

Will this work...?

So, the texture of my skin's been pretty bad.
Dare I say it's like....rough, bumpy....dry-ish.

I dunno, but I hate it.

I'd post pictures but I'm ashamed lol;
I guess I can post some HQ zoom-ins of my recent photoshoot. Although that's covered by a bit of makeup.
Sad thing is, you can still see the bumps.

Might get disgusted LOL (you've been warned)

This is WITH light powder and layers of concealer!


By this time, my makeup's melted so yeah.
For a photoshoot, I didn't want to use too much makeup, planned to photoshop them. It was a small at home photoshoot, hence I didn't use BB Cream nor Foundation.

You can see how the bumps are my worst enemy right now.
Clogged pores = acne.

And I heal very slowly ):

So I hate it.
I hate my skin right now.

Hated it so much I went back to something that might not work but it's called desperation.

THIS. Or rather, I went from OXY10 to THIS.
 When I used OXY10, it didn't work. It never did.
But then back then I nevr experienced these bumps.
These clogged pores, just acne here and there.

Back then is not now.
So now, I need to try this out again.

At a less concentrated formulation.

With that, I also got this.

SkinLab's Concentrated Vitamin E Cream
What it's supposed to do.
The reason why I got this was because Bio-Oil, even though it worked, was too oily for me.
But this, it sinks right into the skin.

I haven't seen much results. I'll wait for a week.

But I only use this at night.
Same with the OXY5.

Hope this works for me :(

I feel a bit sad today...
But ah well.

'til then!


The Sample Store

I just made my very first "purchase" from The Sample Store :DDD *applause*

I used the points for three samples that consists of:

- Ginvera Green Tea Nude Cover BB Cream Spf30/pa++ (3 days supply)
- Lioele Beyond The Solution BB Cream - 50 ml
- The Body Shop Moisture White Shiso Whitening Serum (3 days supply)

I'm guessing they'll come in packets?
But I might be wrong.

Since this is my first time, I can't really elaborate about the service nor review it yet but here's to hoping it'll arrive sometime soon :)

Really looking forward to these samples :) especially the Ginvera BB Cream, because I have this coupon thing I can use for it LOL.

But yeah....

If you're interested in checking it out, here's the link to register:

The Sample Store

By registering, you can instantly redeem THREE samples (2 points deducted for each, so you get 6 points by joining). Your shipping costs will depend on the weight, and your country which they will automatically calculate from your location :)


I'm also trying to make a purchase at SaSa...but D: there's something effing wrong with my i-bank.

( ;A; ) it's not showing the real fund D:

Sigh, I really need to call the bank :/

'til then!


P.S: I have a facial this afternoon. OH PLEASE, DE-CLOG MY PORES!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Acne, GO AWAY ):

I would love to tell you guys about my acne story but you see, I'm battling it like hell right now ):
Truthfully, it upsets me a lot. My self-confidence went down by a lot and I feel like I can't survive without covering it up.

I was banned from heavy makeup by my dad but still, I can't help it.
The least I can do is cover up the scars.

I never faced very difficult teenage acne, you see. Usually it's just on my T-Zone, forehead, jaw...nose? lol.

But yeah, it only started late last year? Well, toward the end of 2011. Probably since October?
Getting acne almost every single day.

Confidence level going down....sometimes I had to rely on makeup to go to school (which is forbidden btw)

( ;-; ) and it was even worse when the ex kept pointing it out.

( ;-; ) I really don't know how it happened.

But I think me trying new makeup and not cleansing properly caused it.

And now, I'm stuck with these hideous scars ):
Sometimes they fade, and I'll be happy and then new ones keep popping out.

I don't know.

Stupid SkinTologist ain't helping either ):<
God, money down the drain probably.

I have little hope for them now ):< I wonder if my pores are still clogged by the time it ends. Microdermabrasion my ass. It's still quite active, my acne and clogged pores.

I don't know what to do anymore.

But I may have a glimmer of hope ):

Trying out things on my own.

I'm back to my regimen of using Bio-Oil again. My spot fading cream is not here yet ):< DAMN YOU.

My acne's not under control but I'm trying my best to unclog my pores before my next facial which was supposed to be last week!

If I did go last week, it wouldn't be this clogged I think.

So I've been using my Peppermint Pore Diet mask twice in a row ):
And tonight I saw some major change.

Well, after peeling the mask.
My face seemed brighter and some of the scars I think...well, peeled a bit? I don't know.

I know it's not healthy to deep clean everyday but who knows if this mask is too mild I have to use it everyday.

I'll try again tomorrow ): until my next facial.

The least I can do is try to unclog the stubborn pores.

( ;_; ) do you have any suggestions to unclogging pores?

I tried AHA-BHA products and they cause more bumps instead.

Salycilic Acid doesn't seem to work too.
And Benzoyl Peroxide.

Nor does Tea Tree Oil.


"orz I'm doomed.


I feel very very down today.

I hope I'll be okay.

So Acne, GO AWAY!


Sunday, March 11, 2012

What I Want For My Birthday

This coming 20th is my 21st birthday ( 'w' )
I may not look like it (as if), but I am 20.

A lot of people think I'm still around 16-18 though.

I guess it's how I present myself.

I'd like to make myself look ladylike if possible, and sometimes, when I feel like it, a bit girly.

Clothes wise, I have very bad fashion sense. Especially to my little sister.
I guess I don't mind dressing eccentrically.
Although when people stare, it's hard to ignore.

Sometimes I'd conform, sometimes I'd dress like a hobo.

It depends on my mood.

But anyway, this is not about my fashion sense!
That is another story. God, Outfit of the Day posts might be in the making. Horrible choice probably.

So yeah, what I want for my birthday is simple :)

Last year, or until last week, I really wanted a customized 3D Frog Cake with Choco Mint flavour from Mr Baker's. However, right now, I'm fine with just a Fresh Fruit Vanilla :)

For presents, I'd like:

- A new water heater for my bathroom (from Dad)
- A MacBook Pro (from Mom, although I might be getting this close to Uni time :/)
- A voucher of some sorts lol for books or maybe from SkinFood ( >w< )
- A PS2 memory card with lots of space
- A PS3 (wishful thinking but yeah)

Oh, I'd love handmade soaps too :) with fresh fruit scent, or minty...or some chocolatey goodness.

From God?
Guidance in life :)
Make me a better person from within :)
Introduce me to the love of my life :)

.....and that's it I think.

( ^_^ ) are you a March Baby too?
When's your birthday?
What presents did you get?

'til then!


P.S: I updated this list a bit: SkinFood Price Range List

In Exchange.....

So, I went to SkinFood today.
I THINK the SA remembers me lol.

Anyway, she was actually shocked that I didn't like the Rice Mask. I know, I know, it's a popular mask.
But girl, sometimes the skin doesn't like it. And mine didn't like it :O

I told her about the bumps I got (I believe I got acne too) and it made my skin rougher :O
I mean, I want it to be softer, not rougher!

I think she was kinda disappointed, I'm sorry :( but I didn't like the sample.
Well, she did say it's detoxifying my face, hence the effect. But again, me no likey the result :( it really felt rough and bumpy. I do still have leftovers of the sample so might just give it a try for two-three more times.

But I told her I liked the Parsley & Mandarin Cream.
And I also found that it can be used twice. LOL.
I thought she said it was a night cream.

I also told her that I also liked the Aloe Vera Cream Cleanser sample (which she tried to sell to me) but goodness, I have the Etude House cleanser in ALOE VERA too. But I don't like it :( but I have to use it.

So yeah, I also asked about the 10% discount and apparently, it can't be used on the day I became a member? Really? :/ Hm. Ah well. At least I got the 10% today LOL.

Here are the things I exchanged (and paid extra because I want it):

The SA insisted and I couldn't resist. Might work when my acne is inflammed?
OMFG. I already made a promise to my face that I will get the Banana Yogurt one once this finishes. Just for the smell LOL. But this would work for acne too?
As for samples, I got these again :D which I didn't mind at all. I should try the foaming cleanser this time.
Personally, so far, despite some problems, I do think SkinFood might be quite likable.
I mean, the products seem quite decent so far.
I don't have much complaints.

Sure, maybe some deception or some crap but it's their sin, not mine.
And it's business.
But as long as they try hard to satisfy me, it's okay.
And that they understand what I want, I'm fine.

If I were to work in something like this, as much as I would love to be honest to customers, I might have to put up a saleswoman's face, which I dislike.

All in all, I'm a consumer, you make me happy, I'll be loyal like hell. That is it.

Random photo of the MuchuuLand Alice. It's overexposured but you can kinda see the eyelook. Simple. For lips, it was nude-ish, with a hint of red in the middle which you can't see.
This photo was before my makeup melted under the Brunei heat LOL.

HM. I dunno which mask to use first.
She did suggest alternating them but they do have a short shelf life no?
Damn, should've asked.

Anyway, 'til then :D


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Huh? Oh crap.

Today, after trying out the sample for the Rice Mask Wash Off from SkinFood, I came to a conclusion that it doesn't suit me.

It makes my face bumpy too :/
And if you remember I bought the full size.


I'm planning to return it and exchange for the Black Sugar one I think.
Since the price is the same :/

Too bad it didn't work out for me.

BUT you see, I made another discovery also.

On the actual purchase itself, I was supposed to get 10% you see.
I was already technically a member.

I dunno if it's like, tricks up their sleeves but I just checked the receipt and guess what?
It was full price.

I'll show you:
See? Full price.

Deception? I hope that's not the case.
I hope it's just forgetfulness.

But you see? Not everything is going well for me.

That certain someone did something really....sad and pathetic.

Returning something outside, on a doormat on the other side of the house, at night, leaving it there.
And texting that the item is outside.

What kind of man does that? Oh wait, no, boy.

I got so upset, I even wished him death.
Crying outside at night, is not a good thing.

That's it.
My month is already ruined.


But yeah, I finally put him in a box.
A colourful one too.

In a box, finally.
My leftover V-Day chocs, an alarm clock, his ring I used as a necklace (and mine too), ticket stubs and his picture, receipts that I kept when we went out. They're in this.

I might add more that can fit.


It saddens me because the clock is already part of my life.

But he's just being a jerk now.

I believe just like me, he PMSes too.

I really don't want to celebrate my birthday anymore.


'til then.


Alice in MuchuuLand Photoshoot

After a while of not doing photoshoots, I had to force my sister to do a small one yesterday.
It wasn't successful lol because I was uncomfortable in my skin right now :/
Acne scars, being fat...etc.

I did wear makeup, no foundation or BB cream, just concealer and powder. Hence, it wasn't heavy coverage. Still had to Photoshop the skin a bit.

Here are some of the pictures:

My favourite shot. It was hard because I was scared and disgusted. lol There are snakes around you see. And ants and other things D: Leaning onto the fence is just....ugh. But got a great shot!

The White Rabbit. Can you see it?

I like shots like these...but it's quite obvious that I gained weight.

My second favourite shot. Now it just reminds me of when my heart got broken again.
Full view them if you want to :)

I don't feel like celebrating my coming birthday soon. Not so much.

Not looking forward to it at all.

'til then!


How DO you get over a breakup? (That's a few months ago)

It's impossible for me and I really hate it.

It makes me miserable and depressed.

It makes me suicidal, these feelings are dangerous.
Like a bomb ticking.

Time. Does it really heal?


That is it.

I hate this a lot.

I don't want to fall in love again anymore.

Don't want to anymore.

Every single time I nearly have my feelings gone, YOU come back like a stupid lightning bolt. Just shocking me. Out of the blue.

You reignite my feelings while you kept yours, well, fading.

I need to vent this out even more. GDI.

So much for being friends.


Loved you.


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Steaks and Drama

Hey guys! (Assuming people actually read my blog lol)
I got some good news (kinda).

Well, actually I've been fasting for two days so I got to eat my steak tonight! Although it was a bit of a disappointment. I ordered for" medium well" and they gave "burnt well done". It hurt my teeth :(

At least the teriyaki sauce was nice.
It had caramelized onions in it and it was nice!

Here's the culprit to my toothache!

Australian Rib-Eye Steak in....Burnt Well Done.
Yesterday I also fasted and impulsively made Baked Vanilla Lemon Cheesecake!
For something without a recipe, I'd say job well done to myself!

Although, being me, there's bound to be lumps here and there in my batter.

This is why I can't be a pastry chef.

The small potted ones. These were thicker in taste compared to the thinner bigger one I made.
How it looks like inside. YUM. 
 I really liked tartness of it. It's not too sour yet it's still quite lemony which I liked.

On another note, I played around with my mom's 2+ year old M.A.C Quad. It's in Amazon I think.
I expected pigmented things but was quite disappointed.

But I do like the soft texture of it.
Really soft.

Too bad it's old. But still usable I think.

M.A.C Amazon Quad Palette
Crappy swatches :x

I have to say I really liked the colour combination, as odd as it is. But I won't use the purple one I think lol. I can play with this for a while. Yay.

Oh and, important update on the The Body Shop drama.

I went again, this time with my mom, to go see the manager. Thank goodness one of the SAs remembered me (although pointing out I was with a guy on that day was kinda rude lol) and I just voiced my concern that they haven't contacted me like promised.

Me and my mom gave back our body mists to them.
They told me they might just let us exchange with an item.

But yeah, they were kinda surprised the person who promised to contact me didn't.
So they gave us a card with her name and phone number.
They also told me that they will remind her to call me.

If not, I'd have to call her.

Apparently by "office", she meant Singapore. Oh really?
Brunei goes through Singapore?

But well, I got this because I couldn't resist putting it off any longer.
The Chocomania line heart soap lol.

Wanted the smaller ones but mom chose this one instead. It smells more like perfume than chocolate.
Well, hopefully this time they'll be more considerate.
We ARE paying customers.
Members even.


I also bought two of these tonight:

Deodorant. Hah. It does contain Aluminium Chlorohydrate but meh.
 I read that it's not good for the body :( but this freaking brand does work all day.
That's that.

My natural salts deodorant sucks LOL.

I had high hopes for that expensive s*it.

Oh well.

'til then! Good night!


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

SkinFood Price Range List (Brunei/Malaysia)

This is mainly for my own reference but if it can help you guys, that'd be great!

I think I lost some of my receipts so I'll have to double-check them lol but this will grow soon enough :)
Prices will be in BND and RM.


-Parsley & Mandarin Spot Gel

-Tomato Sun Cream SPF 34 PA++
RM39.50/BND ?

-Peppermint Pore Diet Mask Peel-Off

-Rice Concealer Tip #23
RM24.70/BND ?

-Rice Mask Wash-Off 
RM44.00 (will double check this)/BND22.00

-Papaya Yogurt Mask Wash-Off
RM ?/BND11.60

-Cucumber Soothing Mask Wash-Off
RM ?/BND19.10 

*will update from time to time*


Favourite Products of The Moment!

I think it's appropriate to list some of the go-to products I have right now. Sure, some of them are only quite recent but it felt as if I've been using them for a while lol.

Some of them may need more evaluation (especially the spot gel) but so far, I have no problems with it, and I might even just like the packaging.

Basically they are the things I keep using for the last 2-3 weeks?

And I'm basically loving them.

Here are the products!

Six items I'm currently loving!
SkinFood Rice Concealer Tip Shade 23

Love on first application. It makes my life easier to conceal my dark acne scars without being too cakey!. As opposed to my 20 Concealer Palette, this is more easier to apply and doesn't take time like the palette. On the undereyes, they aren't too dry and on the blemishes, not to harsh. It doesn't inflame them either I believe but then this isn't an in-depth review. I just love this. Works as an eye primer too I believe.

Suiskin Alp's Pure Mist

I don't really get what this is. It's a mist, yes, but what does it exactly do? I use it instead of toners when I'm lazy, I spray it all over my face after applying cakey makeup and it makes it less cakey. What I notice is that it kinda makes my pores look smaller? I'm guessing it's the Witch Hazel. I didn't think it was useful at first but now, I wish it's unlimited because it IS quite expensive.

SkinFood Parsley & Mandarin Spot Gel (For Troubled Skin)

I dislike the smell but I like the feeling of it on my face. I'm not seeing miracles yet but I did read it takes time for it to fully work because it's detoxifying the face from bacteria and such. I do see some fading to the scars but then I've been using TheFaceShop's Brightening Rice Water Cleanser Foam (Migamsu) [I used to not like this at all but now it's like a nice feeling during a shower] too so that might be the case. Either way, I like it for now.

Kanebo Blanchir Superior Cream Cleansing

I know, I'm supposed to be using my Etude House cream cleanser but I like this one more! Plus it's just a sample size. I'll be back to using the EH one soon enough. I like this a lot. I don't know why exactly but I guess for one, it doesn't break me out. So that's good.

Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter in Cherry Tart

MAJOR LOVE goes to this product. Loving it so much I practically carry it everywhere in my bag. Sure, it's  not as moisturizing as my Vaseline Lip Therapy but this works. Plus it has a nice tint to it. It's only really red if you layer it like hell and it just adds a sweet touch to a simple look. It makes me look healthier somehow too. It's a red that suits me, finally.

SilkyGirl's Silky White Lightening Pressed Powder SPF 25 in 03 Natural

It's oil-free and it's my exact skin tone (okay, a little lighter). I stopped using this for a while because I thought it caused me to break out but in actual fact, it didn't. Sure, this powder does smudge due to my glasses but it's just when I wear glasses. It's an okay powder and I do like it. It'll last me a couple of months and I'm fine with that. I've been using this more since I'm not using my BB Cream nor foundation for a while. Just concealer and this.


Well, that's it for now!!
I'm really liking all of these.

I might do a more in-depth (or as in-dept as I can get) review on them one of these days.

Hope you enjoyed reading that!

'til then!


Monday, March 5, 2012

Early Birthday Gifts

I actually planned to just browse and survey for the things I'd buy for my birthday at SkinFood. I didn't expect to buy things LOL. The SA was a nice person :) ...."she" offered to give me 10% despite not being a member but in the end I became a member due to buying more than BND$40 anyway LOL. I thought that was a nice gesture either way. Might just buy from that branch next time.

I think I have proved my assumptions. For every BND$10, you get a sample.
I think it's proven.

This is what I got:

Parsley & Mandarin Cream (to heal blemishes overnight) and also Rice Mask Wash Off (to lighten scars)

Freebies :O so thoughtful to include the Peach Sake Serum since I asked about it!!
 I thought it was a nice thing to do, to include things that I was inquiring about, for me to try.
Very thoughtful.

One sample is missing because the SA provided one sample for my MOM. Very thoughtful of her, no? I guess it's because mom was paying for it LOL.

But yeah, she also tried to pair me with the new Tea Tree range but I can't bear to have new skincare/cleansers now until I use up my stuff lol.

So some samples aren't gonna be used yet either.

I guess it's an early birthday present since I am also a member now :DDD YAY.

SkinFood, be good to me ( ;w; )
Don't be like The Body Shop.

Anyway, here's what I had for dinner!!

Beef Noodle Soup
It was GOOD, the soup especially. Sad that I put too much chili flakes in it that I couldn't finish the soup lol. Well, the noodles and the beef itself was bland but the soup made up for it.

And it was only BND$3!!

I also had Pineapple Juice.

I guess tonight was a good night :) as stressful as it was yesterday night and this morning.

Something also made me cry tonight.

Dad developed a picture of when I was just 3 days old:

I looked like a boy, no?
Because I was a stateless baby, this was for my passport to get back to Brunei.

Stateless Baby. That would be the name of one of my songs.

My sister said I look so much like my dad.
Dad told me that he developed this because he wanted to tell me that he's loved me since I was a baby.

I'm a difficult kid and teen, but was a very easy baby.
I hardly cried.

But now, tears are synonymous with me.

I thought this was really nice.

I love my family. They're difficult, I'm difficult but we love each other.
Sure, we drive each other mad but without their support (and sometimes, understanding) I'd be dead by now.

Thank you.

Much Love.



Let's see, it took a few days to actually look like this, but I can honestly tell you that my skin improved loads just after a night of layering the ointment on!

Just one night, one thin layer.

And it reduced redness, and itchiness and I believe it removed the dead flaky skin too.

Continued usage on and off and this is what I got now!

Look at it! (Okay, not so HQ this one but that IS an improvement!)

Look at it! As if there was no rash in the first place!
Okay, granted that this is not HQ, in real life, there's a layer of shiny skin (?!) replacing the dead one. I don't know how long it'll take to actually return to it's real skin texture but for now, I'm happy.

Although I have to add that it does itch every now and then if I don't apply the ointment.

Other than that, I also took some tablets to soothe the bumps on my hands and maybe also on my face.

But yeah, I guess if I didn't go see a doctor, I'd still be with ugly rashes that just itches like hell.

And you know what? The Body Shop Brunei hasn't contacted me.
I'm a bit unhappy.

Because I also found out that despite what I thought at first, the one that caused my mom to have an allergic reaction is also a Body Mist, not perfume like initially thought.

It's the White Musk Libertine Body Mist.

I don't want compensation or whatnot, just some clarifications as to what actually caused the reaction in the first place. And no, I don't use anything else other than that Cherry Blossom Body Mist on that day.

AND. I don't know what to do with the stupid body mist.
Sure, I can use it on the body and sure, I have an ointment to help if I have another allergic reaction BUT what would YOU do when you have an offending item that caused you needless pain?

Would you use it again? You'd have second thoughts, won't you?


That's what I'm worried about.

So, The Body Shop Brunei, if you're reading this (which is highly unlikely), DO CONTACT ME.
I love your products and I'm just very unhappy with this one. VERY.

At least tell me what the ingredient I'm allergic to is so I can avoid it in the future.

'til then!


P.S: I'd love to do a review on my DUO Body Butter soon but until they contact me, I won't :x

Friday, March 2, 2012

Another Miri Haul :O (Mainly SkinFood)

YES. I am totally in love with SkinFood!
Like, yes, really.
And if I had unlimited budget, I would have emptied that shop!

There were a lot of things in my list I didn't get but I'm happy with what I DID get.

I couldn't find SCawaii for Feb!!! So disappointed ): Oh, and only ONE sample after spending  RM130+? Is that normal?

New clothes and an original copy of one of my favourite albums!
Finally got the less harsh scrub lol. Yeah, it IS significantly less harsh but I somehow prefer the rough texture of the Fresh Skin Apricot Scrub :/ but I'm gonna use this instead, for now.

The things I got from SkinFood are:

- Tomato Sun Cream SPF 36 PA++
- (Another) Peppermint Pore Diet Mask Peel-Off (Proves how much I love this stuff!!)
- Rice Concealer Tip
- Parsley & Mandarin Spot Gel (For Troubled Skin)

What I wanted but didn't get:

- Quince Whitening Sun Lotion SPF 34 PA++
- Peach Sake Sun Lotion SPF 32++
- Peach Sake Serum
- Peach Sake Perfect Concealer #2 Natural Beige

The SA recommended the Rice Concealer instead of the Peach Sake one because it can be a bit drying for the under eye area, so yeah, I wanted to try a more liquidy concealer too, so I didn't mind much :)

I got one sample only this time (I sample per RM100? LOL), it's Acorn Jelly Mask. The SA told me it can be used for spot treatment but I'll try it another time.

I wanted an eyeliner with a marker pen tip so I decided to get IN2IT's. I tried it for a bit...and what I noticed is that it dries slow? Maybe it's just me but it IS pigmented. It smudged because I wanted to check the dryness lol.

Well, if I'm lucky, I wanna try and get a membership card this month LOL. Before my birthday, or during LOL. Ceh.

It took a  lot of energy to not buy face makeup. The one up there, listed, are things I didn't have prior, or have tried (except for the mask peel-off) so yeah. Quite excited, I am :)

And here's to hoping that my skin heals faster!!!!

Okay, 'til then! Stay safe!


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Books For Me :D

The ex bought me books tonight LOL.

Weird and funny story but I won't elaborate I guess lol.

(Forced to choose) The Books:

Been eyeing these two for a while.
He got himself two music magazines.
He doesn't read much, so good luck to him!

Well, I haven't been reading much either.

Maybe I should get myself checked into the asylum again, just for the sake of reading. lol.

I dunno, I feel like I should.

Get things sorted with university and then check myself into rehab again, sound good? No?

Well, I'm going to Miri again, Friday I guess.

Gonna get myself a sunscreen :O So that my acne scars stop getting darker :(

I went against the ban and used concealer tonight.

Sorry dad but insecurities are still there.

But it's not like it's very heavy.

Streaky, yes.

Oh, did I tell you I won a giveaway??

:O Didn't expect to, but I'm so very happy :)
And I ordered something online.

:) yay.

One of these days, I'll just do my shopping online. It's a lot cheaper.

'til then, goodnight :)

And Happy Leap Day :DD
Or Belated.

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