Monday, March 5, 2012

Early Birthday Gifts

I actually planned to just browse and survey for the things I'd buy for my birthday at SkinFood. I didn't expect to buy things LOL. The SA was a nice person :) ...."she" offered to give me 10% despite not being a member but in the end I became a member due to buying more than BND$40 anyway LOL. I thought that was a nice gesture either way. Might just buy from that branch next time.

I think I have proved my assumptions. For every BND$10, you get a sample.
I think it's proven.

This is what I got:

Parsley & Mandarin Cream (to heal blemishes overnight) and also Rice Mask Wash Off (to lighten scars)

Freebies :O so thoughtful to include the Peach Sake Serum since I asked about it!!
 I thought it was a nice thing to do, to include things that I was inquiring about, for me to try.
Very thoughtful.

One sample is missing because the SA provided one sample for my MOM. Very thoughtful of her, no? I guess it's because mom was paying for it LOL.

But yeah, she also tried to pair me with the new Tea Tree range but I can't bear to have new skincare/cleansers now until I use up my stuff lol.

So some samples aren't gonna be used yet either.

I guess it's an early birthday present since I am also a member now :DDD YAY.

SkinFood, be good to me ( ;w; )
Don't be like The Body Shop.

Anyway, here's what I had for dinner!!

Beef Noodle Soup
It was GOOD, the soup especially. Sad that I put too much chili flakes in it that I couldn't finish the soup lol. Well, the noodles and the beef itself was bland but the soup made up for it.

And it was only BND$3!!

I also had Pineapple Juice.

I guess tonight was a good night :) as stressful as it was yesterday night and this morning.

Something also made me cry tonight.

Dad developed a picture of when I was just 3 days old:

I looked like a boy, no?
Because I was a stateless baby, this was for my passport to get back to Brunei.

Stateless Baby. That would be the name of one of my songs.

My sister said I look so much like my dad.
Dad told me that he developed this because he wanted to tell me that he's loved me since I was a baby.

I'm a difficult kid and teen, but was a very easy baby.
I hardly cried.

But now, tears are synonymous with me.

I thought this was really nice.

I love my family. They're difficult, I'm difficult but we love each other.
Sure, we drive each other mad but without their support (and sometimes, understanding) I'd be dead by now.

Thank you.

Much Love.


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