Sunday, March 11, 2012

What I Want For My Birthday

This coming 20th is my 21st birthday ( 'w' )
I may not look like it (as if), but I am 20.

A lot of people think I'm still around 16-18 though.

I guess it's how I present myself.

I'd like to make myself look ladylike if possible, and sometimes, when I feel like it, a bit girly.

Clothes wise, I have very bad fashion sense. Especially to my little sister.
I guess I don't mind dressing eccentrically.
Although when people stare, it's hard to ignore.

Sometimes I'd conform, sometimes I'd dress like a hobo.

It depends on my mood.

But anyway, this is not about my fashion sense!
That is another story. God, Outfit of the Day posts might be in the making. Horrible choice probably.

So yeah, what I want for my birthday is simple :)

Last year, or until last week, I really wanted a customized 3D Frog Cake with Choco Mint flavour from Mr Baker's. However, right now, I'm fine with just a Fresh Fruit Vanilla :)

For presents, I'd like:

- A new water heater for my bathroom (from Dad)
- A MacBook Pro (from Mom, although I might be getting this close to Uni time :/)
- A voucher of some sorts lol for books or maybe from SkinFood ( >w< )
- A PS2 memory card with lots of space
- A PS3 (wishful thinking but yeah)

Oh, I'd love handmade soaps too :) with fresh fruit scent, or minty...or some chocolatey goodness.

From God?
Guidance in life :)
Make me a better person from within :)
Introduce me to the love of my life :)

.....and that's it I think.

( ^_^ ) are you a March Baby too?
When's your birthday?
What presents did you get?

'til then!


P.S: I updated this list a bit: SkinFood Price Range List

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