About Me

Hi. I'm Nisah, or as known as some of my close friends, Froggy!
The reason being that I love stuffed frog dolls :) and accessories with frogs on it!

I live in Brunei, located on the Island of Borneo.
It's a small country, but I guess that makes us more fun to find on the map :D
We don't experience any seasons except for Fruit Season and Rainy Season~

I was born in 1991, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
I was born while my mom was studying her Masters.

Even though I'm in my 20s, I still feel like I'm in my teens, though fine lines are now showing up!
But they're not prominent. Should I start with anti-wrinkle care?

I like dressing up and if it was possible, I'd love to walk around freely without people judging me in elaborate dresses and weird accessories. One day, maybe :)

Me in Classic Lolita
Singing is also a passion of mine that I'd love to pursue in the future, if that goes down the drain, I'd love to either write or teach English Literature. I also draw and paint, but I rarely do that nowadays.

Give me a good book and I'll love you forever ;p
But nowadays, the books I have just collect dust. I somehow enjoy reading them as eBooks now.

I'm eccentric and at times, quite crazy, but deep down inside I mean no harm. I get depressed easily and as destructive as that trait is, it helps me feel for people and empathize, and I have nothing against that. Plus, the depression helps spark some of the best songs I've written so far.

As for animals, I love cats.
I used to keep terrapins but after one of them died, I don't want to deal with heartache of keeping a pet anymore :(

However, now I'm the proud mom of Shyla, a 6 month old cat, adopted from my older sis :)
I adopted her because I was feeling lonely. So far, I'm working hard to be a good mom for her. Sadly she's reached puberty D:

Her name came from the fact that she was the shy one of the litter but she warmed up fast :)

Shyla :D Photo taken by my sis.
Shyla gave birth to six kittens (she wasn't young when she conceived though!), we put two kittens up for adoption and are left with four of them. They're pretty big now already :)

I love collecting beauty products!
For a few months, I was acne-ridden and had to cover up my face most of the time but thankfully, my face has healed. Only some hormonal acne and some scars are left.

I will do a blogpost on my acne story one day!

Recent photo of me (Dec 1st) 

Another recent photo of me:

Taken March 8th

My hair is still horrible XD

Right now I'm battling my shopaholic self. I used to not be like this. It all happened because of one bad thing. I hope one day I'll learn self-control.

I'm happy enough to do giveaways now :)
I love to share the love and happiness I get from owning new things, be it makeup, clothes or accessories.

If you found me through a giveaway, I hope my blog proves to be interesting enough for you to come visit again.

If you found me through a review, I'll work hard on improving my review-ing skills!

All in all, I hope you enjoy your stay!

If you have any questions, either leave a comment or send an email to:


I will try get back to you as soon as possible!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Froggy!
    I'm a new reader as of today. I love your reviews since I can never give a review that well, haha! I am also a blogger, a seasonal one since I'm constantly at work. Anyhow, I'm putting your blog as a "MUST READ BEAUTY BLOGGER" list! And I know for sure I will constantly be checking up on your blog (:

    Looking forward to reading more reviews on Tony Moly products since I work there (:

    Kudos Nisah! Hope to see you around soon!


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