Tuesday, November 12, 2013

(Fake) Urban Decay Naked Basics & Thoughts on Fakes in General

Hold your horses. I wasn't duped into buying it. I didn't even pay that much for it.
I bought it out of curiosity. I only paid around BND7 for it. Or something like that.
Either way, I knew I was getting a fake one~

You know how nowadays, China has really upped their game on copying palettes?
There are Urban Decay, TooFaced, Benefit, MUFE--even my beloved theBalm copies.
They just end up copying them.

I was really surprised when I saw the copied Glinda and Theodora palettes. When I got mine back in March, I was like "Well, for sure, this won't get copied! It's too difficult to copy."

Well, I was wrong.

How in the world---
I think the ones the seller posted in this website are the true fake ones (what):

My first thought was that: Well, that means people can easily be duped again with the fake ones, if the seller says they're original.

That means, don't buy from eBay.

There ARE sellers who are selling the original ones (The Oz Palettes) locally, don't worry, but be careful if the price is too good to be true. Anything under $50 (unless it's 2nd hand) is worth worrying about. These palettes are limited edition. If anything, they should sell it for more than that. But then again some greedy people might even sell it for the original price. Why am I giving them ideas. STAHP.


"Hi, I'm fake :D"
Anyway, let's move on to pictures of the Fake Naked Basics I willingly bought (lol).
I DON'T own the original Naked Basics. I don't think I plan on getting it. I DO want it, but I'd rather buy Naked 3 right now (Have you guys seen it? I'm not a fan of the packaging. Looks tacky!)

Let's start with the box~
When I first saw it I was like "Oh. Em. Gee. The box looks so pretty!"

I'm a box wh**e.

It's embossed.
Look at that pesky number. They used to not have that I believe.
It' a production number or something.
For a fake palette, they do pay attention to details.
I keep accidentally opening this part.
I can't get the palette out this way.
"Urban Decay"
For me, I thought the box was quite well made.

But then again, the Urban Decay palettes I have don't come in boxes like these (other than Theodora) so I can't really compare.

Now, let's move on to the palette itself.
The casing is rubberized, I believe it is also darker compared to the original one.
It has a weight that comes mostly from the mirror inside.

"I look fancy"
"For a fake."
What I hate the most about this is how HARD it is to open it.
I just clipped my nails, so it's short as hell.

My lil' sis seems to be a pro at opening it though.
Once I close it, I cry.

Mainly because I can't open it.

Damn you.

Inside, it's a bit different that what I've seen?

The original I think has easily dented box-like thingies to store the shadow pans.
These are made with plastic.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

I thought that was very interesting how the fake one is made with the plastic material instead.

I believe the names are all centered.
Without Flash
With Flash
I thought the palette looked quite beautiful, really.
It made me want the original.
Don't hit me.

Just for a moment I thought I wanted the original.

How the shadows are filled.
Anyway, how do they compare to the original?
Swatches I mean.

I am disappointed.

Without Flash
Okay, to be fair, I did swatch Faint quite badly here.
But yeah, the swatches are disappointing.

Doesn't compare at all to the buttery shadows from Urban Decay!
Maybe because they're matte.

I do own the 120 palette, 80 shimmer palette (Coastal Scents) and the 42 stack palette (Made in China y'know) and even those are better I believe.

With Flash
There's something really weird with the texture.
Like, it's smooth, but hard.
You need to dig in to swatch them.

"Venus" sucks the most.

The other two lighter shades ("Foxy" and "W.O.S" look the same on my skin tone)

"Naked 2" is sad.

"Faint" and "Crave" is okay. I mean, I'd wear it.

I haven't used a brush to pick the shadows up (a proper shader brush. I used a fluffy brush to see. "Venus" just REFUSED to stick)

*EDIT: I used a synthetic c-shader brush and damn, it just balls up into stuff. I've read about fake Naked palette reviews how it does this. It's almost impossible to use? I don't know if I wanna use it lol. HM.*

*EDIT2: I actually tried out the palette (with eye primer of course to protect my lids) and used a natural hair eyeshadow brush and it works a lotttt better. Venus is still pretty sheer, Naked 2 is just my exact skin tone, so it's good for blending out colours, but it looks quite good really. I'd wear it LOL. Maybe just a bit hard to blend.*

They really can't compare.
So if you bought this palette for BND35-45 and the swatches look like mine:
Hunt that person you bought it from DOWN.

The palette looks quite pretty though.
If it's just for show.
So yeah, those are my thoughts on it.
Was I bummed about the pigmentation? Yeah.

But hey, I have other palettes with similar colours (maybe not all) that I can work with.
Maybe if I scrape the top off, it'd work better.

But for BND7, it's...not horrible.

At least they're smooth.


Well, for me, I'd buy fakes if I KNOW it's fake (EDIT: strictly eyeshadows though)
I bought my Urban Decay Deluxe Shadow Box online and for a while I thought it was fake. However, I've never seen an imitation of that. I haven't come across it. Plus the pigmentation is superb and looks like the ones online so yeah :x

I haven't touched my Naked 2 palette, I'm keeping it aside for now. I have my lovely (but flawed) Theodora but I don't reach out for it that much either (both bought from Sephora).

I've mostly been using my cheaper shadows (okay, no, I've been using my Nude'tude Palette more nowadays) and they work well.

So honestly, if you can get your hands on MUA palettes, by all means, get them. They're a good deal.
If you can get the original Urban Decay, TooFaced, Benefit, etc. by all means, buy them.

If you plan on buying fakes, trust me, find it online.
DON'T buy it locally. Unless you can find someone who sells the original for an affordable price (Naked Palette should be around BND80-BND110 I think), don't shell out BND35-45 for a "Naked Palette". That's most likely a pretty good fake.

Unless the seller tells you it's imitation, then it's your money, your choice.

You're better off buying something from Catrice and essence and get something good out of it for the money you spent on the fake.

Unless you're a curious person like me, buys the fake because of that, then you're like me.

I would use this, if only it's not that HARD to open.

Anyway, I hope the pictures help.

Last but not least:
These are sad fakes.
The other two shades I mean.

'til then, take care!

P.S: Should I buy the original one or what. I should wait for Naked 3 right? Will I even buy it? Do I even need my Naked 2. Damn.

I had fun writing this lol.


Oh yeah, I saw the fake Naked 2 at Times Square for BND23 or BND32. That's okay I guess LOL;


  1. I am too excited on the UD Naked Palette 3. Haven't really heard much reviews on it but I am an UD fan.. Lol! Let's see what people think about it and I'll consider.. Hehe..

    1. Reviews so far seem to make me want it more (Temptalia, xSparkage, etc) since it's HQ pics. It looks a lot less tacky in the pics there. The details look more okay. The colours in that palette are super wearable for me (I love rose hues and pinks) so it's really in the list.

      Oh no XD

  2. I recently received a fake Urban Decay Theodora palette from a Michigan seller on Bonanza.com. I was not happy at all since I paid only $24 for the Glinda palette on urbandecay.com, but I paid $35 for the counterfeit Theodora palette. I am going to get my money back, though, because I filed a claim with Paypal. I also thought, "People only fake UD's Naked or maybe Vice palettes," but I was wrong. My fake was bad: the 24/7 eyeliner and Super Saturated High Gloss Lip Color were encased in PLASTIC! Any UD addict knows that both of those products are enclosed in sharpenable wood pencils. The kicker is that the plastic tubes are not even extendable, so once the tip is used up the rest of the product is unreachable. I now know to only buy from legit sellers. You are a brave girl to use that stuff near your eyes, regardless of whether primer is underneath. Check out this link:http://www.cbspressexpress.com/cbs-television-distribution/releases/view?id=31724
    "INSIDE EDITION had the makeup tested and found that some counterfeit versions were contaminated with filthy bacteria, high levels of lead, (which can cause vertigo, blurred vision and dizziness), and minerals like aluminum. Experts say all of these products can be very dangerous for the skin."
    I will not use the palette I got, even if I do not have to send it back. PS - I recommend buying both Naked 2 and 3.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to comment :)

      I think when I ordered mine, an article about the dangers came out, it freaked me out really! But there are a lot of people using them and I've never heard complaints. Maybe in the long run it'd be bad, that's for sure. I'm more disgusted about the filthy bacteria!

      What about the stuff from Coastal Scents and other re-packagers though, I wonder if it's the same with them.

      I might be able to use this palette in something related to art maybe lol

      So far, I have never heard of any people being allergic to the shadows. I'd be more scared about cream products I guess.

      I still have my Naked 2 hidden inside a box XD; still tempted to open it and use it, but still feel like it's not the time for it. As for Naked 3, it's tempting. Still tempting!

  3. Hey! Great opinion piece of fakes. I hate fake eyeshadows...which is I cringe whenever I see my fake Naked 2 and 3. Ugh...

    I have a real Naked Basics though! Bought at Sephora in Singapore and I love it, and when I saw the Naked Basics you showed...I instantly knew. I don't know why but there's something just 'off' about it.

    Anywho, totally awesome piece!


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