Saturday, March 9, 2013

Profit VS Scamming (Brunei Edition)


Okay, after I post this, I will move on to happier things, okay?

This is what I experienced and saw today at Airport Mall, Brunei.


We were on the way back to our car, so we passed through Airport Mall, and there were stalls around. I didn't even look around because it was late.

But then my brother got stopped by one of the stall shopkeepers.

So they started talking, and me and his girlfriend saw some makeup being sold.
I didn't care for it, as I just bought something from Etude House.

Until I saw that my brother's girlfriend gushing about how pretty this palette was....

...can you guess what it was?

It was the sought after Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette.

Urban Decay's Naked 2 Palette (Image from Jess Beez Adventures ) 
Actually, it's the "Naked 2 Palette".

It was the fake one, the Grade A replica ones China makes.

Replicated "Naked 2 Palette" (Image taken from Makeuptalk ) 
You see, I'm familiar with things like these because I myself have contemplated buying them myself, online, through the proper shops. They sell these at USD15-19 per piece, and then shipping. If you buy in bulk however, you'd get it cheaper.

Converted, that should be BND19 right? Roughly. Plus maybe USD2 shipping, which makes it BND21. However, if you bought it in bulk, 12+, you can get one palette at BND13 (plus the shipping, which I guess it around BND40 depending on weight).

After some calculating, one price of the palette would be roughly BND16.

But they were selling it at BND85, because my brother's GF asked how much they were, while admiring it.

Yes, you read that right.


So, how much profit are they making?

They are making BND69 out of one palette.

So, what do you think that's considered as?
Is it genuine "profit" or a scam?

Plus, after I outed them by saying "Well, that's fake, I know."

The seller said, "No, they're real, my friend bought it from the US."

Okay, that's one thing to sell it at BND85, but to insist that it's real?
Sorry, I can't tolerate that.

Not only are you making a HUGE profit from it, you're also LYING to potential customers.
Why can't you just say, "Oh, they're Grade A replicas from China."

And sell them maybe at a reasonable BND35 at least?

Might I add that China made the full replica now too, which comes with the lipgloss.

New Packaging of the Replica (Image taken from My Beauty Vanity ) 
You can also view the new fake Naked 2 Palette from this blog: Amna's Post
I also saw some of the replicas actually looking like this, but the palette is boxed like in the photo above.

So yeah, I have to back up Urban Decay telling me this when I asked them about this UD Palette I bought from eBay:

"Thank you for your email. We do not have any authorized resellers on Ebay. The only authorized resellers of Urban Decay are Sephora, Ulta, and Macy's as well as some international websites like We do not have any individual authorized resellers. It is against our company policy."

Although after much soul searching, my palette (which I will write about in another entry), is possibly real, or a bloody good replica. LOL. Either way, I got it cheaply. And that's with shipping by the way~

Not expensively like BND85!!

So yeah, Brunei, is this even legal in our country?
Imagine all the unsuspecting people buying this palette.

BND85 isn't cheap you know.

Not only that, the ingredients in a fake palette can be full of dangerous ingredients and we wouldn't know!

But I did mention before that I considered buying them. Why would I not mind? Because I do have some palettes made in China.

My brother told me to let it be, it's some people's way of "making money to earn a living"

Yes. That's true.

But two things I can't forgive:

1) Insisting that the product is REAL and AUTHENTIC.
2) The pricing. Heck, even the original one is about BND70-75!

Not only that, they were also selling one of my favourite brands, theBalm. The fake one too of course. For that one, I didn't ask.

I'm just bringing this up.

How much of this is legal?
Can we protect consumers like this?

There's nothing wrong with admitting that they are replicas, and making just a bit of profit from it. Maybe double it. But that's about it.

I know you're a small business.

But I am also not a blind consumer.


Sorry if I offended the seller should they be reading.

I am only saying it can be dangerous and very wrong.

Take care!



  1. Loved it! Your post was super informative and thanks for linking my blogpost!

  2. I know there's a seller in Fb selling the same Naked 2 from China for $35 (Undiscounted price was $55). I've been lemming to get these UD Naked palettes too but I have found cheaper dupes for them from MUA ;) You might like it. Kirim at your sister :P

    1. I did order and send to my sis but it's still with her :p

      I do like them, but I'd like one of the real Nakeds too lol

      If they FB seller actually says it's from China that's good. The normal price is still reasonable (although BND35-40 is the best one I think, IF they were trying to make profit)

      At least it's not as outrageous as this one!

  3. Wow.. Now I'm more curious to find out which store at AM is selling this xD

    1. It's one of the stalls so it's not there forever. Just thought I'd share..

  4. There's a lot of sellers making 'huge profit' buy selling the fake products. but as long you're happy with the product and you accept it, it's fine. :P

    1. And one more thing. When buying from eBay, I suggest you (and other readers) to check the feedback. The higher the % of the feedback, the better. (usually old-time sellers have higher though)


Leave me a comment on your thoughts :)

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