Sunday, April 29, 2012

What is THIS, SaSa Miri?

Let me just warn you guys, this is gonna be a rant, there might be some swearing and whatnot and usually, I'd try to keep it clean. As clean as I can, but today, I think, it's the last straw.

Okay, so, I didn't manage to go to Miri today because I was super tired.
So, in the end, I just asked my parents to get me some things.
With that, I also asked my mom to check the price on theBalm's Nude'tude Palette. You know, THAT palette.

When they arrived home, my mom didn't say that she got at first, she just told me the price and so and so. I got all the things I asked for from my dad and I went upstairs, when my mom said "Did you think of getting the palette?" and I was like "Maybe, in the future."

Deep down inside, I already kinda suspected that she got it for me. For what reason I don't know.

So yeah, after I put all my things upstairs to my room, I went down again, to see what she got.
She DID get the palette for me.

I thought she got it for herself at first. She didn't clarify.

So excitedly, she told me it was the last one, and inside I was like "OH! Thank goodness then!"

And then...she opened it.

Guess what?
The eyeshadows were marred. It had fingermarks on it, it had been SWATCHED.

I swear to God I did not do this myself. I WISH it was me but it's not.
I went from excited to disappointed. And then, it turned to disgust.

Immediately I told her that it wasn't right and I should go tell this to the SaSa Malaysia FB page but I realized that they don't have freedom of speech, as in, you're not allowed to post comments on their page, just on their statuses and whatnot. Which is kinda, well, inconvenient.

So I left my disgust and disappointed comment on one of their statuses.

With that, I also sent an email to theBalm Cosmetics about this matter.

I mean, if you were a company and found out that your products overseas were treated like that, you'd be quite disappointed too! I mean, the integrity of said company, the face of the said company, that's just shameful!!

Too bad Miri is like a two hour journey from Brunei, or I would have ran there and slapped their faces with the palette.

I mean, if it was a tester, then label it as a tester and don't try to sell it, even if it was the last one left!!
We're not that desperate to not wait for a new batch to come over!!!

My mom was in a hurry, so she asked for the palette from the sales assistant. So she wouldn't have known if it was a tester. For all we know, it was. They told her it's the last one available, and it was still sold at full price. If it was me, it's just like you buying second hand product.

Would YOU pay full price for a second hand product? I think not.
It was RM115, mind you, it wasn't like RM50 or something.

That's a lot. In Brunei dollars, that'd be BND47.92 or something like that. Either way, it was close to BND50. If it was ME, I'd rather buy a crap load of NEW stuff from Etude House, just to get a member's card.

No, that's not the worst part.
The worst feeling is that MY MOM got this FOR ME as a PRESENT.

That you got for someone and she opens it and discovered it was touched!!!
She'd be like "Oh my, this person gave me her old makeup!!"

I didn't expect this at all.

So out of respect, I'd try to cherish this palette.
But to know that it was pre-touched, by people, it's just disgusting.

Apparently I'm a partial germophobe, I like to disinfect and clean my brushes and makeup regularly. Or as regular as I can.

So after ranting it out to my friend, I decided to try and clean the palette.
That made me hate the person who did this even more because A LOT of product, good eyeshadow has gone to waste just because I didn't know who touched it.

Fuck you, whoever you are.
If you didn't want to buy it, then don't fucking touch it.

And if this was a tester that you sold to us, SaSa Miri, you are gonna go down.
Fuck you, too. You should keep an eye on your customers, especially with expensive things like this!!

This is not the first time you guys tried to take advantage of customers.
I hope it'll be your last.

I tell you, if this happened to YOU, you'd be upset too.
Sure, I might be overreacting but hey, you do not take advantage of MY MOTHER like that!!

Imagine how she'd feel, to know that something she got for her daughter was tarnished by a stranger.

I had a hard time disinfecting the palette because all the shadows are just soft and buttery.

It's cleaned now but I'm still gonna be bitter about this.

It's nearly Mother's Day and have you no shame doing that to a mother, who works for her money.

Well fuck you, whoever you are, who dared touch MY palette before I even got it.

Even I, as a customer, would not touch, dare open something I don't plan on buying, without a sales assistant's help. If SaSa didn't know about this, fine. But if they know about this, oh man, you guys should be ashamed.

Anything for a sale, right?

Just because you knew my mom was planning on buying it, you'd just sell something like that.
My god, I hope people read this.

I am very unhappy.

Nude'tude? More like it brought out my bitchy attitude.

You should feel ashamed, whoever you are!!!

Peace out.


P.S: I got clear lenses, SCawaii for March/April, my Nexcare patches from Miri. With the surprise Nude'tude Palette.

EDIT: My mom told me that the sales assistant DID open the palette to show it to her, but did it from afar. My mom was in a hurry and she just wanted it to be the right palette. I'm pretty sure she could have seen it. I mailed SaSa Malaysia's Customer Service about it and they were prompt to reply. They would do an internal investigation about it. They said. theBalm hasn't replied. The palette is cleaned but some smudges are impossible to clean ): hate that. I haven't used it.

Of Etude House and PMD (and other things)

I went to Etude House in Times Square tonight lol.
I wanted to get something for my acne.

My acne cleanser was running out (St Ives one, the milder one) and I read many good reviews about AC Clinic treatment so I decided to buy a cleanser in the end. Lol, I actually wanted to get a waterproof concealer because the SkinFood one isn't waterproof (effin' sad because it's my favourite one) or an eyeshadow base (God, Canmake one sucks), I even contemplated getting a neutral quad but God, the pigmentation sucked LOL.

I think (sorry, if you love Korean cosmetics) that all the Korean cosmetics out there, in terms of eyeshadows, suck. They're all so glittery. Not shimmery, GLITTERY. Yes, you read that right, glitter.

Even Japanese ones are like that. I ask them why. They never answer, just give more glitter. GLITTER THIS, GLITTER THAT.


I was swatching some of them, I thought some were nice but then I got distracted by all the unnecessary glitter. There was one of them that was basically glittermania and no pigmentation. And it was a brown one too!!! Like wtf.


*end short rant*

Anyway, I asked the sales assistant (God, I loved her, I LOVED HER) about what the products are for, etc. I was testing her too, to see her knowledge, she was knowledgeable, which was commendable. Because, to remember all the details in a cosmetics shop is hard work. I think. Yeah. Plus she was nice and patient. Helpful especially. So I asked her what would be her recommendation for the clogged pores/small bumps inside the skin.

She recommended this:

AC Clinic White-Trouble Bubble Cleanser (cutest thing ever)
Not a lot of people favor this as it is gentler than the foaming cleanser? I read it that it's like that. But I used it tonight and I liked it :O It didn't leave my skin tight and it felt refreshed, even.

With that, she gave some samples of the same range :D
 I used the 2-step toner and the Pink Powder Spot treatment!!
The Essencializer is impossible to use!!!

LOL, sorry for the lack of picture editing, I'm too tired.
LOL, and I have a Miri trip tomorrow.

Dad already warned "No MAKEUP". But that means skincare is fine right?
I joke. I joke.

I plan to get clear contact lenses, some white stockings and a pair of shoes maybe.

Oh yeah, Etude House gave this recycle bag!!
It's so effin' adorable!!

Pink and Pretty-ful
Oh yeah, I forgot to blog about this but I also got these in the same week, a few days ago.

Mint Milk Tea from Excapade! It was delicious!!
Tekka Don :D Didn't get to devour all of it. Brought it home lol.
Le Sis and Me

Love pictures like these, weirdly.
Me and My Sister again. lol. My makeup was nearly flawfree on that night.

On that night, I got this!
Oh my. It's a discontinued product!!
Planning on stocking on it lol.
After discount, it was around BND10.90? Or something.

Chlorella Peeling Gel from SkinFood
I think I saw this on a Youtuber. It was 50 cents only! I bought 4, I gave one to my sis.
For tonight, lol. OMG. I forgot to take pics of food. WTF.

Had Pastamania.
Didn't like Pomodoro, seriously.
The pizza was so-so.
It had good crust though.

But aglio olio and cheese sticks never fail me!!

I look quite disheveled tonight.
Dry hair is dry.
OH YEAH, I also made an order of a PMD tonight! A Personal Microderm!!
It cost around BND220 with shipping and extra disks. Not too shabby.


So that's about it. Tomorrow, Miri :DDD

Yep yep :DD

Expect just a very small haul.

G'night :DD


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Technic ADORN Makeup Set Swatch & Review

Decided to do a swatch today lol, and a small review.

I had a small review of this, here. Quite pigmented? Orly? What was I thinking.

These aren't the most sought after palette but I think it's decent, for what it is.
If you know how to work with it.
I mean, I made a slight dent on one of the colours, though that doesn't mean I love it.

It's okay for what it is.

Okay, here are the swatches:

Technic ADORN Palette
Smoky Eye Look? LOL I think so.
However, the swatches....are a let down. From L to R: Lip glosses, eyeshadows and lastly the blush.
You know, I thought I'd love this palette a lot...I do, but it's a let down.
I thought the black would be darker and more pigmented but it looks like gray!!!

The worst pigment in this palette goes to the peachy one next to the green. Oh God, It sucks. Can't do anything with it. It barely shows up on the swatch, no matter how many times I tried to swatch it!!

The one I made the most dent out of is the first eyeshadow, which is a shimmery cream. I usually use it all over my lids, then I use the next two colours for a gradient effect. It really changes the shapes of my eyes.  Because of the size, it's my go-to palette, however, that doesn't mean it has much quality.

I have a 120 palette and even though I'd love to use it, it's such a hassle.

So basically, from this palette, I only use the first four colours on the top.
I barely use the blush and the glosses.

I might try use the frosty green one because it does look pretty.

But I don't usually use blue, so I might forget about that.

I don't know the price of this palette but my sis got this for me from the UK.

If you live there and thought about picking this up, think about what you need.
Would you use the colours?

Are you fine with poor pigmentation?
If you're like me, you wouldn't mind much.

So, I think it's an okay palette to own.
I might dent the first four a bit more before moving on.

I should try use the glosses here too.

Would I recommend?

It's okay for neutrals I guess.
Plus it's quite small and can fit in your bag, and you can apply the shadows with your fingers and it's still fine!

For the smoky look, hmmmmm.

Okay, 'til then!!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Finally It Has Arrived (Feat. A Small Haul)

Okay, I think I'm okay enough now to blog again.

So hey, how've you been?
I've been fine.

I think.

Anyway, you know how I reported my sample order from The Sample Store as lost? Well, whaddya know, it arrived last Saturday.

From Singapore TO Brunei, it takes a month plus? Really? Seriously?

I can't comprehend how much my small package has been volleyed around countries.
Or maybe it has been hiding in the Brunei P.O under all the big packages. Either way, I'm glad because you can only order one type of sample ONCE only from the site. It bummed me a bit at the thought lol;

So I'm happy it arrived.

Here are pics of the samples I chose:

The sample collection.
Lioele Beyond The Solution BB Cream samples
Ginvera Green Tea Nude Cover BB Cream samples
The Body Shop Moisture White Shiso Whitening Serum samples
I haven't tried any of them since I'm using this serum already. It's Garden of Eden's Rosa T Acne Serum. It's basically Tea Tree Oil that doesn't sting as much LOL. With some extra scar healing ingredients in it. It's okay so far, I think

I'm looking forward to trying them out but not now, maybe soon.
I need to buy more of the small sample jars so I can store extras in it lol.
I'm quite stingy when it comes to the littlest drop left.

With the Rosa T Acne Serum, I also got this!!
I'm loving it so much right now.

Maybelline Baby Lips in Smoothing Cherry
Unfortunately this is the clear balm type. I really want to try out Cherry Me but I doubt the'd sell it here :(
I love anything with cherry, you see.

This might replace my HG in lip conditioning, lol. My poor Cherry Vaseline.

The thing I like most about this is that it's not as oily as the vaseline but still moisturizing.

Other than that, my order from SaSa(dot)com has arrived!!

7 items huh? Orly? 
Ooooh, a Sasa plastic bag!!
Tee-hee. So excited for this!
As you can see, there are actually 9 items. One item was a set of three lol, so yeah. Good deal.
Oh, and you can see I ordered a back-up of the Sasatinnie Hair Mask.

It's THAT good.
It is.

I might try out the Spot Whitening Serum tonight.

I know I should list the things I got but I'll save that for later lol.

Oh, and I'm quite disappointed. I thought when I ordered this, there was a free mask promo.
Apparently I didn't get it. LOL. I didn't notice that I didn't :(

Ah well, I have like, 6 masks in that box so I'm fine!!

I'm tired.

So yeah, 'til then!!


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Rest in Peace, Dali.

Tonight, I found out one of my pet terrapins died.

His name was Dali. He was a tiny terrapin. It grew quite slowly.
I used to keep the terrapins in my room but my dad insisted I put it outside.

I realized that I neglected them since they were outside.
I couldn't really take care of them. I wasn't sure if it had been fed or not. Or we were overfeeding them. I had no idea.

I neglected them and wallowed in my own sorrows.

This afternoon, my mom told me to change the water.
I shrugged it off, telling her I'd do it later.

My sister also told me that my nephew just overfed them, dirtying the water.
Having no net, I shrugged it off also.

I failed to notice the oil covering the water.

A few days ago, they were both fine.
I told my dad that they were running out of the food.

He got some.

It wasn't the same one. I protested and told him to return it and get the other one they're used to.

But he insisted.

So I fed them, scared they wouldn't like it.

I realized that they seemed to not eat it as enthusiastically.
I failed to notice the oil buildup.

I used to clean (while they were still in my room) the tank once every two days because they had no oxygen tank. Dad promised to get one.

It was too late.

Now that they were outside, and me battling my depression, I neglected them.

If only I had realized sooner that there was oil buildup.

So when I decided to change the water tonight, I realized Alice was on top of Dali and that doesn't happen often.

Only after I transferred Alice to the new water change, there was oil from her body.
I got so shocked.

I saw Dali didn't stir, and it floated.
I feared the worst.

I picked up Dali.

....and Dali...

He was dead.

Dali, the one that I own, was dead.

It was limp. Its head easily moved to the side.
I panicked.

I screamed.

My sister got out.
My brother got out.

I panicked. I kept trying to wake Dali up.

I kept trying to coax it back alive.

I tried to give it clean water. Tried to make it open its eyes and mouth.
But he was too limp.

But it was too late.

Dali was already gone.

And as I'm writing this, I still can't stop crying.

Dali. Dali.

I'm so sorry.

I was too caught up in my own pain that I neglected your pain.

My older sister put him on a plastic bag.

But I didn't want it to dry up.
Still hoping it's alive.

I separated Alice and Dali.

I put clean water in another tank. I put Dali on the rocks.
So that he can still "breathe" yet not be "dry".

I'm silently praying for a miracle to happen.

My other pet kitten already disappeared, just last week.
Mong Mong.

Maybe it passed away too.

To have another pet pass away.

I can't.

I can't take it.
I can't breathe.

To see its body, so limp, so lifeless.

I thought to myself, "Why not me? Why not me who has sinned? Why such an innocent pet?"

Dali brought me joy last year.
Having them in my room was fun.
When I cried, when my ex hurt me a lot, I had Dali to cry to. And Alice too.

I wanted to name Dali after my ex, but he told me not to.
Thinking about that now, I ask God, "Is this your answer for me? To move on? Is this your way of saying 'He's dead'? But why take Dali away?"

Why Dali.

I still thought having them outside was wrong. I shouldn't have agreed to put them outside.

Dali, I'm so sorry.
Please forgive me.

I don't know who I'm angriest at.
My dad?
Or my nephew?

And just today, my niece wanted to have a competition about whose terrapin would grow bigger faster. I retorted with "That's not fair!! My terrapins have always been small!!"

.....and now Dali is dead.
Of course Dali won't grow anymore.

Dali is dead.

Dali, my pet terrapin is dead.

I can't stop crying.

For my dad to just say that I'm overreacting, and that it's just a pet that can be replaced.
I said "You're so mean!!!"

Yes, pets can be replaced.

But Dali can't be replaced.

Dali is Dali. Dali was Dali.

Dali was my pet.

Dali will always be my pet terrapin.

I'm so sorry Dali.
I loved you, I'm sorry I neglected you.

Please come back to life.

Rest in Peace, Dali.

I love you.

Please forgive me.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sasatinnie Creamy Satin Blusher Swatch in Sugar Rose

Sorry, no review of the Sasatinnie mascara yet. So instead, to fulfill my own curiosity, I decided to swatch the beautiful cream blush I got from buying the Sasatinnie BB Cream.

It's the Sasatinnie Creamy Satin Blusher in Sugar Rose!!!

As you may know, with my blemished skin right now, I can hardly wear any blush. Let alone this beautiful one. I have never liked a colour as much as I love this, and it saddens me that I can't wear it just yet. I might let my mom use it maybe.

Here are some photos and...poor swatches lol.

Such a cute simple box.
03 Sugar Rose (such a lovely name)
Can't stop saying how cute it is!!!

See how lovely it is?? Oh, one thing, the casing is a BIT flimsy. It feels like it can break easily.
This is the back of the case. Classy.
That's how it looks like on the finger.
How it looks like unblended.
Blended. Not too harsh, right?
 For me,  it reminds me of a rosy apple. I dunno why. It looks kinda neon unblended, but after you blend it, it sheers out into a nice rosy flush. It doesn't dry matte. It has some shimmers in it. Makes me want to work hard on fixing my cheeks even more.

I rarely blush (happens sometimes only) so having a blush on really helps LOL.

But again, I rarely wear blush and I'm not really good at it.

However, this is beautiful and I really want to try it out.

If I like this, I might try get more colours :)


Hope this is helpful!!

'til then!


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Gift :D

Finally, after a month, it has arrived!!
My Sasatinnie Super Dolly Powerful Curling Mascara!!!

It actually arrived yesterday :)

Here are some photos:

0 Value. Well put, SaSa!

This will be just a short review for now lol.

I used it today for a bit, I was quite surprised really.
Especially at how good it is at holding curls!
Until it was annoying enough, it poked my browbone if that makes any sense.

I couldn't take a very good photo of it, unfortunately.

It's messy upon application but it's nothing a cottonbud can't fix!!!
I'll make an in-depth review maybe tomorrow or so. Whenever I can get my sister to help me take photos!
One thing I already dislike is the smell of it. Major dislike.

But as for holding curls, I think it does it job well. So far.
From a first impression anyway.

Tomorrow then!

'til then!


Friday, April 13, 2012

Of Experiments and Further Inflammation

As you all might realize (if you read from the start) I have the tendency to impulsively do things. That includes trying out a whole lot of methods in such a short time. I have no patience (except for the matter of love, apparently, which I am not in any right now. FYI, I am not the type to cheat, but is suicidal and depressive that drove my first love away *sadface* loyal person, but damn.) at all.

ANYWAY, I want to make this more fun to read in a way, show a bit more of a wacky side of me. Ish. If that makes any sense. Me? Wacky? Nah, just weird.

So yeah, onward to my journey of getting back my normal skin (combination skin with LESS clogged pores and cystic acne [I think it's cystic]), I'm not going to lie, I started hoarding SkinFood stuff because they have a whole lot (in my head, I really want to use the word s**tload) of face masks, and I'm like "Food for skin??? COUNT ME IN!!" but unfortunately, with my skin now, they have some 'natural irritants' that irritate the fuc--crap out of my skin.

I should include very brief reviews for now yeah? Bear with me.

Cucumber Soothing Mask Wash Off
- Eh. It's nice when cold, but somehow, it makes my skin rougher instead. As if it raises the bumps of clogged pores to the surface but I can't do anything about it. I don't see it soothing my inflammation (for now) so I rarely use it.

Acorn Jelly Mask
- I think it works but I refuse to fork out my money in Brunei for this. So I ordered it from Korea. It hasn't arrived yet. It doesn't make my skin rough at least!!

Rice Mask (What was the full name??? LOL)
- I tried the sample and disliked it that I returned and exchanged it to another product. I tried the sample again recently and it still raised my bumps. I do like the smell though.

Honey Red Orange Mask
- It's a scrub. LOL. I leave it on for 10 minutes after scrubbing though. It's a decent scrub. I do like it, but it's messy due to the honey.

*will include more brief reviews here*

So basically, nothing really worked for my clogged pores. Even clay masks!!! What is up with that?? And I think my skin is so congested now, that even my favourite pore clearing peel off mask doesn't work (it dries me out if I use it too often). Therefore in the end, I turned to more natural products.

Firstly, I'm using Bunga Kuduk-Kuduk for healing scars and partial scrubbing.
Secondly, I use rice water. It smells so familiar to things associated with wedding scrubs.
Thirdly, I try and use masks made from scratch at home (mixed something up with using cocoa powder)
Fourth, I found this method that might help me unclog pores, slowly.

I'm not using any cleansers now (except for when I use the unclogging pores method), just rice water. I cleanse with rice water, I tone with rice water, I even use a mask with rice water. I should've taken a picture BUT instantly after using the rice water mask, my face was brightened!!! Some areas that didn't get touched were still dark and I'm like "Woah! Cool!!"

So basically, today, I experimented with the new regimen fully today.
My acne is all inflammed LOL. See? I told you I was impatient.

Well, I'm looking forward to repeating this tomorrow and see results.

Maybe less on the mask though lol;, except for the rice water mask.

Again, I'll wait for a week and hopefully my before and after pics would show some improvement. This is more for me than ever.

I told myself I won't go out until my scars healed.
Because I don't want to use makeup for the time being.

If my regimen SOMEHOW works, I'll share some recipes and stuff lol.

'til then!!


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Remedies In The Eyes of Old People

So, I'm sure I've complained about my acne and clogged pores long enough.
Well what do you know? I'm still suffering it.

Not surprising.

Today, I've decided to just follow what my mom's been telling me for weeks.

Use Bunga Kuduk-Kuduk.
Don't know what that is? Unfortunately I don't know the scientific name either.

But it was a remedy my mom and many other old folks believe to heal scars, but I didn't want to believe it.
Because I used to use it, to me it didn't do anything but I was young and I forgot if it worked or not.

Plus, I thought that infected my brother's wound until he had to go to the hospital!!!

Talk about trauma.

Anyway, here's the flower:

Bunga Kuduk-Kuduk
It kinda looks scary LOL.
I asked my maid to get some for me. They grow in the wild :O

They do!!

I wish we can just grow them so there'd be no dangers of snakes.

Basically, what I do is I make sure my face is cleansed first (preferably with rice water), if not, I scrub my face with it prior, and then I clean with anti-bacterial cleanser and then rub it on my face again.

I think for proper scrubbing, you use the whole flower.

For gentler scrubbing, use the petals only.

After that, leave some on your face, especially on darker scars.

Like so. I didn't edit my face here.
 You can't really see it but both my cheeks are horrendous. With clogged pores and what not.

What I noticed is that it kinda smoothed out the bumps (a bit).

Dried, bruised petals.
After that, I remove and use something moisturizing. Preferably, oil free.

I sound as if I've been doing this for a while.

Just today.
Day and night.

And I feel it kinda work. Kinda.

Some scars lightened up a bit but maybe that's just psychologically.

But yeah.
Have you tried this method?

'til then!


Package from The Sample Store: Hair Care Kit Review

So, my order from The Sample Store arrived.
I'm not saying today, because it arrived in my country on the 9th, and it's the 12th today.

I had my brother get it for me, so as usual, by the time it arrives in my room, the package is ripped by customs.

A part of me was disappointed.
The samples this time around was different. The only reason why I decided to order it was because it seemed promising. It was also a gamble to order because my first order sample never arrived D:

To be safe, I used the Registered Postage thing.
You can see it here.

This is useless to me!!!
I think it promised to be delivered to your doorstep (I guess that only applies to Singapore) and the effing tracking number didn't even work for this country I am in!!!!! SUCH A WASTE.

AT LEAST IT ARRIVED. That, I'm glad. I guess it works more like insurance for the package.

Okay, so. the first thing I noticed was the fact that they RE-USED a box given to them by SaSa, you can clearly see it here:


I mean, I don't mind them doing it, because they wouldn't expect me to find out is it? lol; with all the stamps all over it. But I did.

LOL you haven't seen the other stamps!
I dunno if it's their fault or customs, but I wasn't thrilled with the way they wrapped the things either.

I usually get these from eBay orders....
I see all these people get bubble-wraps, well, I mean, my SaSa(dot)com packages looked a LOT neater.

With bubble wraps and Styrofoam.

But I guess it should have been me who opened it, at least I'd know how it looks like. So that's okay.
I'll let it slide.

As for the things inside....

Got a bit sad :(

I mean, 7 of the things are items I already used (SunSilk samples) and God, I still have them! Use them even! LOL but at least I know they work. Kinda. I can definitely say the Weather Defense Light Cream works, but I hate the scent, so I rarely use it.

What I wanted the most was the Elseve Serums...and unfortunately for this batch, no such luck.

It looks awesome until you try sifting through them :(
List of the things I got:

- SunSilk Weather Defense Shield & Frizz Control Light Cream x5 (5ml)
- SunSilk Silky Smooth & Manageable Shampoo x1 (30ml)
- SunSilk Silky Smooth & Manageable Shampoo x1 (30ml)
- L'oreal Elseve Nutri-Gloss Light Caring Shampoo x1 (50ml)
- L'oreal Elseve Damage Care Repairing Shampoo x2 (50ml each)
- L'oreal Elseve Re-Nutrition Caring Shampoo x2 (50ml each)
- L'oreal Elseve Smooth-Intense Nutri-Smoothing Mask x5 (15ml each)
- L'oreal Elseve Re-Nutrition Mask x5 (15ml each)
- Palmer's Coconut Oil Conditioning Shampoo x2 (4ml each)
- Palmer's Olive Oil Smoothing Shampoo x1 (4ml)
- Bawang Anti-Hair fall Shampoo x1 (8ml)
- Bawang Hair-Strengthening Shampoo x1 (8 ml)
- SilkyShine Straight & Smooth Set x5 (Didn't disclose the amount)

In total: 32

However in each of the SilkyShine Set, there's Scalp Care & Dandruff Control Shampoo, Straight & Smooth Shampoo and a Straight & Smooth Conditioner. So in actuality it's that, x5. That totals to 15 samples.

So is the total: 42?

That doesn't make it 35 is it.

Honestly I don't know how you're supposed to count 35 samples.

Because if I count individually (without counting the packets inside the cards), it'd be 31.

So, what's up with that?

So did I just receive 31 samples? Or 32 if I count the Bawang one as two, like what I did up there.

I keep getting disappointed.

Is it because I'm from abroad that they don't care to please as much? I'm sure that's not the case, right?
They should as least provide a list of all the samples we get.
That's the least they can do, to simplify things.

Other than the SunSilk samples, I'm excited to try the rest of them at least. Especially the Palmer's one, because I wanted to try that one out the other day. THAT ONE, I was excited to get (too bad it's a sachet sample)

Anyway, if anyone would like to explain HOW to count the samples, please do help me :)

Much appreciated.

'til then!

(Helping out my fellow friend/blogger edit her photos for her layout :) will link it next time!)


EDIT: I tried out one of the L'oreal Elseve shampoos (the white one) and I loved it!!! My sister recommended the yellow one (...the one manufactured in 2008 LOL) as a good one, so I'll try it out next time.

EDIT2: Meh, apparently I have no choice but to have it registered LOL; they won't give me no for an answer LOLOLOL. ( =w= * ) ah well. 7 days is okay.

EDIT3: Reusing boxes are normal for them I guess, so that's okay. On a side note, I had sent an email inquiring about my lost samples ): they haven't replied. Hopefully soon. Or hopefully the package arriving today is theirs. It's the first one I ordered.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Oh Yes.

Finally finished a toner that expires this month and that exfoliating gel. I have a lot more to go.

I tried out the Sasatinnie BB was light. Lighter than my Peach Sake Pore BB Cream!! But it somehow blended okay. Quite sheer for my flawed cheeks ): I miss having smooth cheeks.

Will do a longer blog post tomorrow lol.

I'm considering changing my layout, inspired by my friend :)

I'll think about the layout.

:) make it more....uh, angsty beauty blog looking LOL.

I'm tired.
Was depressed the whole day.

I'm feeling okay now. Partially.

So yeah.

Oh yes.

G'night everybody!

'til then~


Friday, April 6, 2012

Worst Miri Trip Ever

You know what that means~

A Miri Haul~ *sad applause*

Yeah, I've been losing my fire to blog. But yeah, waiting for my packages to get here might be incentive to blog in the future. Also my ongoing battle with acne. I should have a whole post dedicated to how worse my skin has gotten compared to in the past. Was it really makeup? Or adult acne. I mean, It only happened when I turned 20!!

Anyway, this trip was actually for me. To get back my SkinFood redemption card that caused the World War 3 drama with the family. I got it back, safe and sound. With that, I also got these babies:

Rice Concealer Tip in #21 (for my light skinned friend), Peach Sake Concealer in #2 and a Chlorella Nose Clear Patch
 Honestly, the nose patch was bought just so I get three stamps lol; it was close to RM60, so yeah.

Did I tell you that my favourite nose pack is no longer available? The cheaper and more effective alternative is no longer available. WHY GOD, WHY.

I am not stooping so low to get Biore again. NEVER.

Anyway, I got these at Watson's.

My Holy Grail of anti-acne picking spree: Nexcare!!
A girl with acne who picks on her pimples needs this so much. Hence the excess.
Also, a Hiruscar Gel! For fading scars....or something.

I'm trying this out. It's a 5g product. Enough for testing I believe. I hope it works, I mean, the one I ordered for scars have not arrived D:
 Oh, this is bought at Guardian. Watson's didn't carry it.

It took me a while to recognize it, because the one I saw online was blue :O
The name was different too.

Palmer's Skin Smoothing Lotion

Oh god. It IS different. This one has Cocoa Butter D:

The one I bought, it's....

It smells like ammonia D:

But eh. If it works to treat my KP, I'd do anything. ANYTHING.

Stinky thing.
There you go :O

I also bought April's CLEO. Was looking for SCawaii but my cheap self would not pay RM10 for it, when I know I can get it for RM7.50 at Popular. Unfortunately, Popular didn't have it.


On a random note, I was sick like hell on the way to Miri, even now I feel quite sick.
I threw up like hell also.


Worst feeling ever.

I should rest, but I'm writing this for you~
Yeah right. For who?

( ;w; ) if you like my blog, follow me~

Or not.


I'm such a bad blogger. My reviews are half-assed also.

One day, I'll be more in-depth, I promise.

'til then~

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