Thursday, April 11, 2013

Liebster Award :)

Hey everyone!

As you can see from the title, this is gonna be about the “Liebster Award”. I was tagged/nominated this by the cute and lovely Rei Kouken, whose blog you can visit right here! I wanna say thank you to her for nominating me J

Let me explain what the “Liebster Award” is actually about!

Actually I had to look it up a bit.
There are some confusing things~ I gotta admit.
Some bloggers say post 11 facts, some just answered the 11 questions and asked 11 questions for their nominees.

For my post, I’ll do what Rei did J

So, what is the “Liebster Award”?

The German word “Liebster” is translated as “Dearest” on Google Translate. So it basically means the “Dearest Award”.  It is an award to help gain awareness and also encourage new bloggers, or bloggers with less than 200 followers to blog more and share the love!

That’s how I see it.

Here are the rules:

+Thank the person who nominated you! Link back to them.
+Nominated bloggers must post 11 facts about themselves!
+Answer the 11 questions posted by the person who nominated you. You must also create 11 questions to be answered by your nominees.
+Nominate 11 blogs with less than 200 followers in your post!
+Go to their blog and tell them and make sure they don’t tag you back!

So yeah, let’s start with 11 Facts about myself!

11 Facts About Me

   1) I am 5’2 in height, that’s about 157.5cm, although I’m comfortable with being 158cm!

   2) I’m afraid of heights and I lose my balance quite easily because of this.

   3)  I have a huge fear of house lizards, or the common gecko. It caused me a lot of trouble in the past, even now.

   4) My favourite Competitive Cooking Show is “My Kitchen Rules” (watching Season 4 now, and I can’t find Season 1!)

   5)  I am also afraid of spiders. Not as much as house lizards though.

   6)  I’ve lived in Japan for 10 months back in 2008 as part of an exchange program. I really wanna go back there.
In my seifuku!
   7)  I have 5 other siblings, and I am child No.5. I am known as the “Combo Breaker” amongst my siblings, because they wished No.5 to be a boy. This is the reason why: 1= Boy 2= Girl 3= Boy 4= Girl 5= Poor Old Me 6= Girl.

   8) I have never been thin. I was always plump and chubby. Fattest was at 75kg (165 pounds) back in 2010.

   9) I speak three languages, although I’m no longer that fluent in Japanese, I can still understand and speak conversationally. The other two languages I speak are obviously English and also Malay.

   10) I was always the artistic person in the family. I draw, sing and write. I was the only one in the art stream while everyone else either took engineering or computers.

Some of my art. I'm very lazy >_>
   11) I have an obsessive need to clean my room every night before I sleep, although weirdly, it’s never clean. I guess that’s part of it.

Here are the 11 Questions Asked by Rei :D

     1)What do you do in your spare time
  I mostly go on the net, watch Youtube and blog. When there’s no net, I read a book/eBook, watch TV, draw and practice on the guitar. Or do a recording of a cover and work on music.

     2)What accomplishment are you most proud of?
     - Winning the Open Category of a Japanese Speech Competition? Although to be fair, there were only two people. My biggest accomplishment is basically to have scored well enough in all my exams (in the past) even though I didn’t study. I still somehow managed to score A’s and B’s magically. Although ever since I’ve had depression, lack of focus has taken a toll.

3)Until what age did you wet the bed?
- To be honest, I kinda peed a bit in the bed quite recently. Was it last year or this year, I’m not sure BUT it happened because in my dream, I was on the toilet. I woke up; finding out it was a dream. But my bed was a bit wet. My underwear on the other hand… :x

4)What is your ideal boyfriend (-'w'-)?
- Ideally, someone who is compassionate and considerate and doesn’t mind acting silly. Is able to counter my depressive moods just with words or jokes, and not run away from it. Able to counterbalance me well. Doesn’t mind being with a chubby girl. Doesn’t say flowery things to keep me happy and is not afraid to criticize me in a good way. Someone with a nerdy smile and a talking voice that I like. Unfortunately, even if you fit all the descriptions, if your voice doesn’t interest me, I’d rather be single forever.

5)What scares you the most?
- Not knowing what to expect or have things not going how I imagine it. Not knowing when I’ll break down again.

6)What were you like when you were a child?
- When I was a baby, I was a quiet one. I rarely cried and honestly, my mom said I was obedient and I don’t fuss. However, that all changed when I reached 6 years old I guess. I sulked a lot and threw a lot of tantrums. Even now, really.

7)What do you like the most about yourself (features, personality, fashion sense, etc)?
- I like the shape of my eyes and lips. I have Exotropia though, which really makes me feel insecure. I like how I’m quite observant (to an extent) and apparently my generosity is actually scaring some people (I’d honestly buy you something if you really want it, provided that I know you LOL)

8)Are you a crybaby? 
- Yep. In fact, I have a mole on my lower lashline that people say are signs that you cry a lot. I cry easily and when I’m upset at the littlest things (not getting the right order or my parents bought me food I don’t like), I’d just bawl.

9)Are you apart of a club?
- Not anymore. I used to be part of the Manganime Club.

10)Would you rather fight a kangaroo, or eat a kilogram of raw liver? (Teehee X3)
- Fight a kangaroo I guess because I can’t imagine how raw liver tastes like! Nor do I know if my religion allows eating raw organs lol.

11)May I borrow a pen? :Dc
- Of course :D Just come over here!

I hope that suffices, Rei!

As for my questions for my nominees~

11 Questions For You

    1. Would you rather Beg, Borrow or Steal?
    2. What’s your favourite brand and why?
    3.  If you had to give up all your makeup but is allowed to keep one, what would you keep?
    4. Any Youtuber you can’t stand?
    5. What’s your best life tip?
    6. Do you play any games?
    7. Are you a lefty or a righty?
    8. Do you have any pets? Share something you love about them!
    9. If you had one superpower, what would it be?
    10.  List food you can’t stand seeing, smelling or eating.
    11. Do you believe in soulmates?

      And here are my nominees!



(Like Rei, I had a hard time finding blogs that I read with less that 200 followers!)

I’m gonna go and tell all my nominees about the award :D
Do check them out.

Thanks again, Rei for nominating me!
Although I don’t really know what to do now!
I enjoyed answering the questions, and I hope my nominees would too.

I hope I’ll be able to do more proper reviews soon!

So yeah, take care!



  1. Hi Nisah. Thank you for nominating me! :D And wow, you are so talented. Love your artworks!

  2. This was soo much fun to read!! I'm so glad to hear that you used to be in an anime club too (>3<) I've probably made most of my friends in high school there. My high school has a self-directed learning system. Its hard to find friends when you dont have normal classes x__x

    I also find it funny how you are afraid of lizards when your nickname is Froggy X3 I can't remember the last time I wet the bed. My mom told me I stopped at a very young age ^-^ I can see how dreams can make you do things like that though. My sister used to blame her dreams for wetting the bed XDc


  3. thanks for the tag, will do it soon when I'm not busy :D

  4. Thanks so much for nominating me! :D I had fun reading your post. I wish I could speak Japanese xD

  5. thank you for the tag XD I will try to do it when I have free time ^^


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