Monday, May 21, 2012

Once Upon A Time... (Part 1) skin was like this:

Only eyeliner on this. Was playing around.
This also makes me miss my short hair :O LOOK HOW HEALTHY LOOKING.
2010 was definitely the best I think LOL.

Well. Part of 2011 was too, but meh.

Anyway, this was around September 2010.
I didn't really use much makeup. Well, I did, concealer and a powder that was veryyyyyy old. lol.
But it didn't do bad to my skin somehow.

I mostly don't wear makeup when going out during this time I guess.

My face was a lot pointier too D:
Handsome too ;D
Acne generally haunted my forehead, my chin area and the nose. Some big ones on my cheeks sometimes but they heal fast too. Like, scars would disappear easily without the need of Bio-Oil or something like that.

I didn't care much, I guess.

I forgot what cleanser I used and stuff, MAN.

And then....2011 came.
My makeup interest skyrocketed.
I started being more interested in it.

I blame that on watching Youtube I guess D:

Plus, with doing more photoshoots, I want my makeup to look better.

Having a boyfriend also made me want to look better.

This was April 2011. Just eyeliner.
Looking up old photos makes me want to cry lol.

Seriously though. When did it start getting worse? Was it really after my visit to Skintologist?

Let's see.

Pardon the horrible eyebags. Sigh. This was September 2011.
And then, it gets worse.




Add it tomorrow ( ;w; )

That's it for tonight ( ;w; )

*to be continued*


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