Saturday, February 11, 2012

Things I need to use up!

You know how I always have this impulse buys when I go to a certain shop that sells skincare and cosmetics? Yeah, it's accumulating like hell.

I have a lot to use up.
And some probably give away or sell.
Because it doesn't suit me.

Cassis Rose Body Mist, Sea White Exfoliant Gel, Bio-Essence Deep Exfoliating Gel and
Etude House Aloe Vera Cleansing Cream
Yes yes, the Body Mist is oldddd but at least it doesn't make me have allergic reaction like that Cherry Blossom one!! Which is unfortunate. I'm nearly done with this so I'm fine.

The Sea White is kinda old, so I don't use it on my face. I use it like somewhere random, my leg or something. The Bio-Essence one, I still use on the face but it does't make much of a difference nowadays. I doubt it removes dead skin cells like it says...

As for the Etude House Cleansing Cream....I just stopped using it because it contains Mineral Oil. I used it again tonight, to see if I have a bad reaction to it. I have a lot of cleansing creams, one from Daiso, one from the Hada Labo (not a cream though lol), the Kanebo sample...haish.

I'll work on using it. I have other cleansing creams too so yeah, I should focus on using one at a time to finish up.

I need to work on using up the first three things before I decide to buy that scrub from Tonymoly.

I shall call this project, 'Project FINISH IT'.

Yeah, finish it, Nisah, FINISH IT.

- Nisah-

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